Thursday, June 17, 2010

Running Errands Is So Fun!

Today Lulu, Levi and I had to run and errand to go pick up Mark's cap and gown. He will be graduating with his BA in Biblical Studies and the commencement ceremony is June 28, 2010. The seminary he's going to is about 45min away and it's in the same city where my brother Todd and his wife Stephanie live and work. So not only did we pick up the cap and gown but we spent lunch with Todd and Stephanie at the local farmers market. They both left work to join us. Stephanie got a beautiful bouquet of flowers and Todd bought a squash plant for their garden. We both picked out some organic coffee beans from a local vendor. Lulu picked out a pastry that had ham and cheese rolled up in it and I bought the biggest snap peas I have ever seen. We had fun, it was too quick but at least we got to see Todd and Stephanie who we miss seeing and love so much.


corners of my life said...

Flowers and a squash plant ~ how fun. I have been wondering how your brother's garden is doing. Congratulations on the graduation! Such a wonderful milestone . . .

Christine said...

You don't know how much these pictures make me feel, so happy!
To see both my children spending time together, is a blessing. ~sigh~
That is what ever mother would love to see and I did!

Kelsey said...

Congrats to your hunny!!