Guess what were getting ready to do? We're going camping! Some friends of ours were getting rid of all their camping equipment. So we got it all and had so much fun today getting it all set up to see what they gave us. The red tent is the one we will be using and the blue one is for my parents. They don't know it yet but we are going to turn them into campers. Growing up we did the hotel/motel thing, never the tent thing....but not anymore. Get ready Papa and Grandma, Lulu already knows that the blue tent is for you guys.

Here is a canopy to go over the eating area at our camp site.

Here's Mark with his little helper.

This is what I'm very excited about. Can't go camping with out our coffee!

Here is Lulu in our 3 room tent. She's in what she told me is Levi's room and then she asked me where the kitchen will go....LOL. So in a couple weeks we will be heading down to Oregon to try out all our new camping equipment.
Oh how fun!
I see Tom got his blue tent after all!
How wonderful to receive such a great gift!
God Bless!
Dee Dee
Does the blue tent have hot running water and a private bathroom?
How fun hope yall have a blast!!
Thank you so much for the ides those are really good I could never have thought of that.
Wow!! What a blessing. We are taking our RV out as soon as it cools off a bit. I love tent camping. Well, I think I do its been a while...
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