Monday, July 18, 2011

Our New Bench!

 Our dining room was getting crowded and we needed a better solution for our growing family.  So Mark designed and built us a bench!
Mark and Levi worked on it together. 
 We spent the weekend playing out front while Mark worked on the bench. 
 Viola!  I just love it!
 We need to stain it now.  We are going to stain it a fun color. 
 So now we just pull the table away from the wall when it's time to eat and push it back when we are done. Levi has been in the highchair and that was taking up the most room.  We will be in search of a smaller highchair for Ila. 
 Then when we were all done we went for a walk to Safeway in the wagon for some needed groceries.  It's nice living close to the grocery store (just under a mile).
Then last night we were going to have friends over for dinner.  They had to cancel so we went for another walk in the opposite direction of Safeway to 7-11 for a special treat.  This 7-11 is the one my brother and I used to walk to growing up. Mark and I bought our house 7 blocks from my parents house.  Mary who owns this 7-11 has known my family since I was a baby and she is still working there.  She used to give us free pop corn growing up.  It's neat because now she gets to see my babies.  

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