Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Lulu!

Four years ago today Lulu was born.  What an amazing day that was for us.  We didn't know if we were going to have a little boy or a little girl.  Mark announced "it's a girl" and that's the first time I knew we had our Lulu.  She has been such a blessing in our life.  She loves to help with anything.  If I ask her to help with cooking she's right there, if I ask her to help with changing a diaper she's right there.  She loves to help! 
Here is Lulu the day she was born, heading home from the birth center. We packed two outfits, one baby blue and one white and pink.  April 17th, 2007 was a beautiful, warm sunny day and when we got home Mark opened up the windows to let the sun in while Lulu and I rested in bed.  We will never forget that day.  Here is her BIRTH STORY from last years post. 



corners of my life said...

I look forward to hearing of the next birth in 31 days!

GT said...

Such a darling little girl....then and now! Love those little toes peaking out!