Monday, March 28, 2011

32 Weeks 5 Days

Feeling great!  I'm getting excited to meet Ila.  We all are.  She is still moving a lot.  I'm sleeping so/so.  I have more energy then I did a few weeks ago but that sort of comes and goes.  People keep telling me I must be ready to pop, then I tell them my due date and their eyes sort of bug out with this shocked faced.  My due date is May 18th and I'm guessing it will be later May.  My mom is guessing May 25th.  That sounds like a good day to have a baby.  Any guesses?  I was 10 days late with Lulu, 9 days late with Levi.  Maybe 8 days late with Ila???? 


Unknown said...

You look wonderful! I'm excited to "meet" this little bundle of joy too!
Dee Dee

Christine said...

Yes, you do look great!
Seven weeks and counting.

Are your toes dancing like mine are?
Can't wait to have Lulu's toes dance.

Anonymous said...

Ahh!!You are so pretty ... My guess May 15!:)

My Birthday is May 1!So me and Ila will be close ...Yay !!!
