Lately I have heard some moms talk about pre-school. Their kids just love it and are thriving. The mom's are loving it because putting their child in pre-school gives them a nice little break during the day. They also can't wait to get them into kindergarten because then they can go back to work or get to have even more time off during the day to get what they need to do done. When I hear this I stop and think......does Lulu love being home, is she thriving, do I get a break, do I want to send Lulu off to school all day, do we need the extra money from me working, do I need more time to get things done around here? Well, to answer all of that....take a look at these pictures below. This is a typical day in our home....I could have added probably 100 more but then I wouldn't have anything to blog about in the future.

I don't think Lulu or Levi needs "pre-school", but they do need a mommy who is always there ready to love them, kiss them, play with them, read to them, teach them, sing with them, dance with them, hold them, cry with them, laugh with them, pretend with them, create with them, learn with them, pray with them, nap with them, cook with them, bake with them, draw with them.....and the list goes on. I know God has called me to be a mother and because of that I am going to give it my all so I can give my children more then anything they could ever receive in a class room.
" As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you" Isaiah 66:13